5 Ways to Prepare Your Shed for the Season

Spring Into Action: 5 Ways to Prepare Your Shed for the Season

As the days grow longer and the temperature begins to rise, it’s time to shake off the winter blues and embrace the vibrant energy of spring. For shed owners, this means rolling up your sleeves and getting ready to tackle some essential maintenance tasks to ensure your space is primed and ready for the warmer weather ahead. From cleaning out clutter to inspecting for any signs of wear and tear, here are five key steps to prepare your shed for the spring season.


Greenhouse Gardening in Winter: Keeping your Green Thumb Year-Round

Do you love nurturing your garden and watching your green thumb flourish during the warm months? As the cold winter approaches, many garden enthusiasts face the dilemma of bidding farewell to their thriving plants. However, at Superior Custom Barns, we have the perfect solution to keep your gardening passion alive throughout the year – our custom-built greenhouses! In this blog, we’ll share tips on gardening in a greenhouse during the winter that way you can keep your green thumb all year.